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Professional Research & Maritime Historian, Author, & Conservator

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Blackbeard Reconsidered: Mist’s Piracy, Thache’s Genealogy


On sale in NC Maritime Museums and other NC Cultural Historic Sites & now on Amazon.com in Kindle format!


"Baylus C. Brooks has put together a masterpiece about the history of the South... while researching the origins of Blackbeard…” ~ Valerie S.

This story had history, science, relationships and a human's struggle to live in a complex world - past, present and future. The characters are very real and believable with a great ending to their fantastic story.  ~ Jackie W.

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Cindy Vallar review!

“The best part of it is that the author does not make copious use of Charles Johnson's questionable book, A General History. He relies instead on primary sources and he cites each one meticulously.” ~ Jorg G.


“If you are looking for the ‘total picture’ when it comes to Blackbeard, this is the book you want to read!” ~ Laura N.

Quest for Blackbeard I believe will help to usher in a sea change in the field of piracy in the 18th century West Indies… a groundbreaking book!” ~ Mark M.


Research Funding:East Carolina University's
Maritime Studies Program

                               : “A Groundbreaking Book!”

For a research trip to Jamaica planned for 2019


Based on the research Of Baylus C. Brooks


Five West-Indian pirates attempt to recapture 17th-century pirate glory on the East-Indian isle of Madagascar. Edward England, Edward Congdon, Olivier LeVasseur, and Richard Taylor sail to Madagascar in 1720 and join with Jasper Seager to make havoc against the East-Indian Company. These are the stories of their misadventures and lives. Some lived opulently - some died horrible deaths. They met Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and the native Betsimisaraka with whom they shared their short lives. They also captured a Portuguese Viceroy, the Fort at Delagoa, East-India Company officials, including an angry Scottish captain, and traded with a Royal Navy Commodore intent upon an illicit trade in gold and jewels!