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Capt. Ellis Brand to Admiralty—26 Jan 1720

Letters – Brand to Admiralty—26 Jan 1720

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ADM 1/1472


Whersteed January 26th: 1720




This comes to acknowledge the receipt of yours, With the petition [Lyme and Pearl's crew?] inclos'd in it [copy does not include petition which must have been made before 1 June 1719 when Lyme sailed from Virginia and HMS Pearl].

I am to acqaint you for there Lordships information as to what I know of the complaint they sett forth in there petition of being depriv'd of there shares of plunder of the pyrate Sloop taken in No: Carolina; soe soon as Leut: Maynard came up to Bath Town in North Carolina ware I was, I forthwith went on board them and after haveing an Account of them, and I had putt some sugars [found in Tobias Knight's barn?] on board that was there belonging to the pyrates, I gave directions To Leut. Maynard to make best of his way to Virginia taking the first Opportunitie of wind and weather wth possitive directions to take care that nothing should be imbezled or made a way with, but brought safe into Virginia, some time in January the Sloops arrived in Virginia, the Next day after their arrival I was told by some of the people that soe soon as I left the Sloops in North Carolina, Leut: Maynard took upon him to make a distribution of Moneys and goods which he Call'd plunder as to the manner of his distributing it, I cannot give there Lordships all the particulars but this I know that he took upon himself the title of Capt. and Commander in cheif and soe of rights (as he says) reserv'd three eights to himself, but in what Manner the remainder was distributed, I am Yett a Stranger to, tho I bleave [believe] not to anybodys sattisfaction but his own, I Very well remember I ask'd Capt. Gordon of the Pearl to give directions to his Leut: to lay be[fore] him an account, in what Manner he had distributed the Moneys and goods. and had for Answer from the Capt. that his Leut: told him [Gordon] he would give there Lordps An Account himself,

[in margin:] The Petition to be sent to Lt. Maynard, who is to give an accot. how he disposed of the Money and Effects, and how he came to do the same otherwise than directed by his Majs. Declaration.

I humble[y] beg leave to observe to there Lordships that those Orders I carried out with me, as well, as the Severall that I receiv'd during the time I was abroad relating to Pirats and there Effects are Very particuarl[y] exprest in there Lordships directions to me, Vizt. When I take a pyrate, that I shall forthwith seal and secure the Hatches, and not suffer any embesselment to be made of anything on[board] &c: how this Gentleman [Maynard] will Answer to there Lordships his taken up [by] him [Maynard] to make Any distribution contrary to those Orders, and my possitive directions to him [Maynard] at the time I left him [Maynard] in North Carolina I leave him to Answer when it shall be there Lordships pleasure to enquire [in] to this affair,

As to what the pettitioners call there prize money it is the produce of the goods taken from of the shoar in North Carolina, and is disputable. I hope there Lordships will be pleas'd, to interfer, that the Moneys May Not be paid till it is determined who has the propertie, I likewise see in there pettition they aske his Majestie that the head [bounty] Money, may only be distributed to those in the action. I hope it will be there Lordships Oppinnions that those people that continued on board the Ships, ware Actualy imployd in his Majesties Service.

I humble[y] presume severall of there Lordships have know[n] many instances in the late war, and no doubt but there is some in this, that boats sent from Ships, have taken Valuable prizes and the Ship No ways aiding or Assisting, yett Notwithstanding the Ships company has been intitled to there shares as well as those that were in the boats;

I think I ought Not to Omitt letting there Lordships know in what Manner I have use'd the pettioners husbands since they are soliciting for the whole head [bounty] money, the Assembly in Virginia gave to both Ships Companys about three hundred pounds for the takeing these pyrats, my share was Sixty two pounds which I made a present of to those people of mine that ware on board the Sloop besides there shares with the ship's Company, I hope this kindness of mine shown in perticular to the Sloops crew, will in some Manner plead with there Lordships for a favorable representation to his Majesties that both Ships companys may be intitled to his Royall Bounty. I am


Sr: your Most Obedient

humble Sert to Commd

Ellis Brand


p:s: if it shall be there Lordships pleasure I shall attend them, I will forthwith come to town   EB

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