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"Boston Notice of April 5, 1714", Boston News-Letter

Newspaper – "Boston Notice of April 5, 1714"

By Letters and Papers via New York of February last from Mr. Thomas Walker Principal Officer of New Providence, to his Excellency our Governor, and the Honourable Francis Nicholson Exq; Governor of Nova Scotia &c. We have an Account of Several Piracies Committed by one Cockrum with 20 Men fitted out in a cannoe from Providence, [Benjamin] Hornigold [3.2] and [John] West with their Accomplices, in two several other Companies (supposed to be a like number each) on the Spanish Coast since the Suspension of Arms [1712] and Conclusion of Peace [April 1713]. The whole produce of vessels Money and Goods so taken and dispersed of is contained in the account or memorial underneath coming in the said Papers; viz.


By a cannoe's Company Commanded      Pieces of Eight

by One Cockrum, Silks cost the Sp.

Merchants                                                        32,000


By a Cannoo's Company Commanded

by One Hornygold. Ozinbrigs and

Plattillos cost the Sp. merchants                      14,000


By the said Cockrum fitted out of

Providence with 20 Men upon the

Coast of Florida in August last,

took from the Spanish in Money                        2,000


A Sloop cost the Spaniards                                  600


In the said Sloop was Rum, Sugar

Copper and other Plunder, value                       2000


Taken off from the Land of Cuba

about the 19th of Jan. last; by

Capt. John West, 14 Negroes value                  2100


Total Pieces of Eight                                         52700