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ADM 1/1879  From the Letters of Capt. Francis Hume-  1 Apr-7 Sep 1718

Letters – Hume Letters & Enclosures—26 Jul 1718

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ADM 1/1879  From the Letters of Capt. Francis Hume


Hon:d Sr


I acquainted you by a letter of date the 3d Ju[ly] S:tt? from Stt Xhers [St. Christophers] that pursuant to their Lordships directions for my going to Portt Rico in demand a Sum of money in behalf of Mr. Harris of London March:tt the Governour would nott grantt me ?dmittance on any formes? and thatt in my way from Leew:d I had mett with a pyrate Ship att ye Isle of Blanco with 18 persons on B:o[ard] and thatt att ?y arrivall att Sd Island of Stt Xhers, I wrote to the Commander in Chief of the Island for his wrieoing? ye Sd pyrates on Shore, a Copy of the presidents answer I herewith in close, I proceeded thence to Nevis and made the Same application who gave me for answer as p[e]r inclosed,

The 22d Ju[ly] S:tt I arrived here and acquainted the Governour of my taken this Pyrate and thatt I had 17 presoners on b.[oar]d and desired they might be rec:d into the Common Goall of this Island in answer to w:ch told me he had no Commis[sio]n to try them for wch reason we St[il]l keep them on b:d and thatt by ye 54th Article of his Instructions from his Maj:[esty]s he mustt take the prize into his Possession, I acquaint him itt was their Lordships directions to me (to w:ch I refer) of late Aprill ye 22d 1717 thatt Pyrates Goods now perqussites of Adm:ty and thatt I Should ??ta his care To admitt of no embezelments, further (wch I oughtt To have mentiond before) thatt I adrestt his Maj:e judge of ye Admiralty then att Stt Christophers for a legall tryall of the prize, her Condemnation I herewith Send a Copy, for w:ch we Sent I could nott deliver her he has Since issued his Warr:tt To the Collector for Seizing her and expect every momentt to See posession taken from me, I orderd ?? Officer on b[oar]d here to use no resistance butt to oversee ye Collectors directions when he orders ye people outt of the Ship, I hope their Lordships will believe thatt I shall att all times putt their orders in ??pirention and approve of this my proceedings,

for hattches remain Seald up, and Shall Continue to till I can acquaint their Lordships further       I am


Scarborough / Barbados                                                                   Your most obedientt

July ye 26th 1718                                                                             Fra: Hume






Since I surshitt? the above Mr Henry Lasselles Collector of his Maj:s Customs has been on b:[oar]d the prize and demanded her by Vertue of his Warrantt from Mr Lowther for so doing, I hope their Lordships will observe thatt I made no Voluntary resignation of her, the Sd Collector having Commanded my people ??utt of her, wether Shall I in the leastt Concern my Self with taking any acc:tt of the Cargoe att her delivery       I am

?roos:as on b[oar]d 3 dayes                                                                                             Sr

No of men 125                                                                                                  Your mostt humble

Wind ENE                 

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