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Adm. Sec. Josiah Burchett to Ellis Brand—30 May 1717

Letters – Adm. Sec. Josiah Burchett to Brand—30 May 1717

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496                                   ADM 2/450 (NC 73.812.1)


To advise with the Govr.

of Virginia about pro =

tecting the Trade from

the Pirates


Sir                                     30 May 1717


My Lords Commrs. of the Admty. being informed that Pyrates do very much infest the Coasts the Coasts of Virginia; bt more especially about the Capes, and his Majesty's Ship under your Command being sent to those parts pricipaly to protect the Trade of his Majties. Subjects passing into and out of the said Capes, I am therefore Commanded by their Lordsps. to Signify their directions to you, that you do from time to time advise with the Govr. [Spotswood] of Virginia, and that, according to what shall be judged most advisable you do constantly so employ your Self with the aforesaid Ship under your Command, either between the Capes or on Such Station or Stations on the Coasts there:abouts as may but enable you to Protect our merchant Ships and Vessels, or receive Information they are lurking about the Coasts, you do use your utmost endeavors to come up with, and to take or destroy them. I haveing by their Lordships Commands recomended this Matter also very pressingly to the Govr. of Virginia   I am


                           Your very &c.


Capt. [Ellis] Brand - Lyme Virginia

Duplicate sent to Mr. [Micajah] Perry



[the duplicate mentioned above—in response to letter of 15 Apr 1717 from Micajah Perry’s brother on the Rappahannock River in Virginia—this letter followed Samuel Bellamy’s pirating on the Virginia Capes the week before]



Encloses two Letters to the Govr. Of Virginia and the Capt. Of the Lyme [above]

                                30 May 1717

I have read to my Lords Commrs. Of the Admiralty the Copy of the Letter you left with me Yesterday morning dated at Rappa the 15 of April last, touching the Pirates [Bellamy, etc.] which infest the Coasts of Virginia, and herewith I send you two Letters to the Govr., as also to the Captn. of the Lyme appointed to Attend on that Governmt. by which it is recommended to them So to employ the Said Ship from time to time, as that she may be most capable of Protecting the Trade, and destroying the Ships and Vessels of the Pyrates.

The Letters you will receive open, that so you may know their Contents, and when you have Sealed them, you will do me the favour to forward the Same as you promised me you would do. [All three letters sent by Perry to Virginia by one of his ships—he also later forwarded the pardon extension to Spotswood by way of Avarilla, Capt. Joshua Lirland, that saved William Howard’s life] I am

                                                Sir Your most &c B[urchett]

Mr. Micajah Perry London

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