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ADM 1/1879  From the Letters of Capt. Francis Hume-  1 Apr-7 Sep 1718

Letters – Hume Letters & Enclosures—20 & 28 Aug 1718

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ADM 1/1879 Letters of Francis Hume to the Admiralty


Honoured Sr


Att My first Arrival from Leeward I Acquainted Your Excellency that I had on board 17 Prisoners Taken on board the Pirate Ship You Was pleased To Tell me that there were No Commissions To try Them, And that the Island Would Not be at the Charge of Maintain[in]g them in the Comon Goale [Jail] I hereby Conceive that in Case Yo.r Excellancy Wil Direct the proper officer for their being Committed To the Common Goale [Jail] of this Island it Will the better Enable me on all Urgent Ocassions To Answer the Service

I am likewise To Take Notice To Yo.r Excellency on Friday I Acquaint You by Letter on his Maj.ties Service that the Dangerous Season for Hurricans Required My leaving This Road Dureing The bad Season You Were pleased Verbally To Answer My officer I was Ordered on this Station and here I should Stay

The Protections of his Maj.tes Ship I am at All Times To Consult Occasions My Giveing You the Trouble        I am &c

Scarborough Barbados                                             F H

Aug:t ye 20: 1718

To His Excellency Rob.t Louther Esq.r &c.




Hon:d S:r


Herewith I Take leave To Send Yo.r Excellency an Affidavitt Relating To the Pirates -

I Must Acquaint Yo.r Excellency that his Maj:tes Ship Undr my Com:d is in a readiness for M[Immediate] Service for proceeding To ye Sd Island of Tabago or Any Where Else the Service May require her I take leave To Sat that if Yo.r Excellancy think it proper for ye Governmt. here To Allow Me a Sloop w:th An Additional Numb.r of Men it May The better Enable me to Distroy Shuch beasts of Pray Yo.r Excellancy Will please To Consider of this As To My own part I shall To ye Eessenost? of My Endeavours Take all Occasions of Shewing My forwardness in the Discharge of My Duty   I am wth respects   Yo.r Excellencys &c

Scarborough Barbados                     FH

Aug.t ye 28: 1718

To his Excellency Robt Louther Esqr &c

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