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Certificate of Diego de Alarcon y Ocana - 18 Mar 1717 |
Certificate-Diego de Alarcon y Ocańa - 18 Mar 1717 |
Webpage designed by Baylus C. Brooks—Copyright 2015-2017 Baylus C. Brooks All Rights Reserved |
SP 35/9/168 - Certificate of Diego de Alarcon y Ocana - 18 Mar 1717
D.n Diego de Alarcon y Ocana, Almirande de la Armada de Barlovento por S. M. Certifies que una Fragata de la perferida Armada de Barlovento nombrada S.n Juan Baptista sa Capitan D.n Juan Albertus de Yrsola, aproso on la Boca de la Laguna de Terminos el dia treis de Febrero una Fragata de la Nation Ynglesia llamada Carlos su Capitaine Carlos Pioter que venia a cargan de Palo a la Referida Laguna de Terminos, y paragua consta di osta firmada de mi mans, y sellada con el Sello de mis armes, on la VeraCruz en 18 de Marzo da 1717 D. Diego de Larcon yo Cana the Seal.
D. Diego de Alarcon and Ocana, Almirande of the Navy of Barlovento by S. M. Certify that a frigate of the perferred Navy of Barlovento named Sn Juan Baptista her Captain Dn Juan Albertus of Irsola, found on the Mouth of the Lagoon of Terminos the day three of February a Frigate of the English Nation called Charles its Capitaine Charles Porter that came to load from Palo at the Referred Laguna de Terminos, and was signed by my hand, and stamped with the Seal of my arms, at Vera Cruz on March 18, 1717 |
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