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Adm. Sec. Josiah Burchett to Governor of Virginia—30 May 1717

Letters – Adm. Sec. Josiah Burchett to Spotswood—30 May 1717

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495                                   ADM 2/450 (NC 73.812.1)


                May 30 1717


My Lords Commrs. of the Admty being informed that Pirates do very much infest the Coasts of Virginia, but more especially about the Capes, and that as they have already taken Some trading Ships of his Majestys Subjects So is there reason to apprehend that others may fall into their hands, in case his Majties. Ship the Lyme which is Sailed from hence to Attend on the aforesaid Government, be not constantly keept either between the Capes, or on Some Station near the Coast, where She may be most capable of Protecting the Trade passing into and Out of the Said Capes; I am Commanded by their Lordships to acquaint you, that the aforesaid Ship the Lyme is chiefly appointed on the Virginia Station (as the Shoreham now returning from thence was) to guard and Protect our Merchant Ships and Vessells, for which reason their Lordsps do very earnestly recomend it to you not only to Advise with her Commandr. from time to time, but that Care may be taken the Ship be So employ'd as that She may most Effectually answer the abovesaid Ends, I having also, by their Lordsps. Commands recommended this Matter very pressingly to Capt. Brand. I am

                        Sir Your most &c B[urchett]

Governor of Virginia

Duplicate Sent to Mr. [Micajah] Perry


To advise with the Captn. of the Lyme how the Trade may be protected from the Pirates


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