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George Gordon to Adm. Sec. Burchett, 17 Nov 1719

Letters – George Gordon to Burchett, 17 Nov 1719

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ADM 1/1826 (NC call # 72.1111.1)


Honrd: Sr:


The two papers that accompanies this, are certificates from Governor Spotswood of Virginia, for certain pirates taken up at North Carolina & Virginia, & brought before the Court of Admiry: there to be tried, according to his Majties: proclamation. I humbly pray their Lordsps: directions, for applying for his Majties: bounty & the distribution thereof, which is all that offers at present from

                Honord: Sr:

        Your most Obedt: humbl: Servt:

                Geo: Gordon


??ners: Office Novemr: 17:



??des sent to the Treasury

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