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Ellis Brand to Adm. Sec. Josiah Burchett —4 Dec 1717

Letters – Ellis Brand to Adm. Sec. Josiah Burchett —4 Dec 1717

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ADM 1/1472 2905  NC Archives Call #72.988.1


Lyme, Elizabeth River, Virginia

Dec: 4: 1717



This serves to Acknowledge the receipt of Theire Lordships Orders that I receiv'd by Capt. Gordon and in Obedience to theire commands have communicated them to the Governour and councell; I have likewise write to Capt. Peirce of the Phenix att New York, for our corrisponding togeather in guarding the coast from pyrotts;

Since my Arrivall in Virginia I have heard, but of one pyrot sloop, that was run away with, from Barbados commanded by Majr. Bonnett, but now is commanded by One, Teach, Bonnett being suspended from his command, but is still on board, they have most infested the Capes of Delaware and sometimes of Burmudas, never continuing forty eight hours in one place he is now gone to the S:oward as I am told by a master of a Burmudian, that, he spoke with his number is One hundred forty three men fourteen guns; the Pearl, is now out crusing of the capes of Virginia for Twelve days, if the Weather will permitt her before she proceeds for New England. I am now come into Elizabeth river, till the severity of the winter is over for the greater dispatch, in caulking and fitting the ship for sea early against the spring; I have my compliment of men, and they are in health, I have nothing more by this opportunity, then to assure theire Lordships I shall with the utmost care and dilligence put there Orderly in execution; I am



your Most Obt. humble

Servt: to Command:

Ellis Brand

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