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Ellis Brand to Adm. Sec. Josiah Burchett —22 May 1718

Letters – Ellis Brand to Adm. Sec. Josiah Burchett —22 May 1718

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ADM 1/1472 2905  NC Archives Call #72.989.1


Lyme, Cape Henry, West. 10 Leauge.

May: 22: 1718


I take this Opportunity by some Ships that I am, seeing of this coast, to Acknowlegde the receipt of theire Lordships Orders, relating to the Victualing, as likewise your Letter concerning the pryates, to both I shall have a due regard;

I am to Acquaint theire Lordships, since I have tendr'd on this station, that I have heard but of one pyrate that has been on this coast, and that was in Octob. last when he was of the Capes of Dullawar;

I find it Very common with Most Ships And Vessels that comes, into these Capes that if they see Any Vessell Endevoring to speak with them, and they gitt clear of him; it goes for granted they ware chac'd by prates, I see dayly Instances of it;

I am likewise to Acquaint you for theire Lordships information, that the late Carpenter, Naba: Rumney, haveing Run from his Maties: Ship under my command I have Appointed his Mate in his roome

I am



yr Most Obt. humble

Servt: to Comm:

Ellis Brand

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